Supported Widgets

In Presight's Docs, you can create many kinds of documents combining Text, Chart, Table in one workspace with the help of Presight's Supported Widgets:

  • Chart

  • Table

  • Records Table

  • Document editing tools: Heading, Call-out, Divider, Image

And AI Generated Widgets:

Instructions for Segment and Ask in the following links:

SegmentationASK PRESIGHT


The Chart Widget allows you to display a set of performance metrics over a specific period of time. Presight can display data in various formats, such as line charts, bar charts, or area charts, depending on the user's preference.

Bar Chart


The Table Widget is a versatile tool that allows you to display a set of performance metrics in a structured and organized format. Each row in the table represents a specific metric, and each column represents a different period of time (e.g. month, quarter, year).


Records Table

Records Table displays records or data. Each row in the table represents a single record, and each column represents a specific attribute or field of that record.

Records Table

Document editing tools


Headings are used to break up the content of a document into different sections and provide an organizational structure to the content. You can create and format headings by using Heading.

Heading examples


Call-outs are used to highlight a particular point or draw attention to a specific piece of information in a document. You can create a call-out by selecting Call-out and type any contents:

A Call-out


Dividers are used to separate different sections of a document or draw attention to a particular point. You can insert a divider by selecting the location where you want the divider to appear and then choosing Divider.

A Divider


You can upload images into your docs to demonstrate more for your reports or presentation:

Last updated