Interacting with Metrics in Tables

Formatting Metrics

For better view and grasp, you have the options to configure the format displayed in the table. Navigating to the % icon and apply the formatting you want, it will render the appropriate setting for the entire row.

This only applies on a widget level. If you add the same metric to a different table or a different doc, it will still be the default number formatting.

Interacting with Metrics

You can interact with metrics in Table:

  • Reforecast: you need to reforecast a metric when you change the metric's formula.

  • Refresh: when you have any updates from you data source, you should refresh metrics on Presight to keep it updated.

  • Show Null: when breaking-down a metric, some null dimensions might be hidden. You can unhide them by clicking Show Null

  • Duplicate: to duplicate your metrics

  • Remove from Table: delete your metric from Table.

Last updated