Dimension Relationship

You can connect separate tables via their shared dimensions using Dimension Relationship on Presight.

For example, in the Invoice table, each invoice line has a Customer ID, showing who is buying the products. Then, you will need to see all information about that customer: name, location, age... for further analysis, and the information belongs to Customer table.

You will need join two Tables via dimension Customer ID

Creating Relationships by editing a dimension

Find the Dimension you want to add a relationship and click Edit:

Move to the tab Relationship, and choose Edit Relationship

A box Add Another Relationship will appear and allows to add relationship.

Choose the correspondent dimension from another table. In this case, dimension Customer ID from Table internetSales will match with dimension CustomerKey from Table surveyReponse.

Choose the Relationship Type:

  • Belongs to: indicates that an instance of one entity is part of another entity.

  • Has Many: one entity's instance is associated with multiple instances of another entity.

  • Has One: one instance of an entity is directly related to only one instance of another entity.

Then, click Update Relationship to finish the process

You can add many relationships once by clicking Add Another Relationship.

Joining tables to make Relationships via Data Relationship

You can also create relationship via table view at Data Hub, tab Data Relationship:

You can just click, drag and drop from one table to another table to create relationship, then, a pop-up will appear for you to choose Relationship Type:

Editing or Deleting Relationships

Via editing Dimensions

You can edit or delete relationships in Dimension details:

  • To edit, just change the Relationship Type, then then Update Relationship to save you changes;

Via Data Relationship

You can also edit or delete relationships on the Data Diagram, by clicking on the relationship arrow and choose to Remove Relationship or to View Relationship:

  • To delete, choose Remove Relationship and confirm your action:

  • To edit, choose View Relationship, then Edit, change the Relationship Type and click Done to confirm your action:

Last updated