Metric Information

Metric information

Metric information helps to provide following information:

  • Metric name

  • Metric formula

  • Raw table, from which metric was created

  • Date, based on which metric was calculated

  • Metric owner

  • Metric tag

Metric owner or workspace admin can add information to metrics to help workspace users understand fully metrics' meaning and use them more accurately and efficiently.

Metric information will appear below the metric name when being queried or you can find the metric description by mouse overing the metric name in a table.

  • Metric description and tag will appear when being queried the metric via Chart or Table:

Querying a metric by /Chart
Querying a metric by /Table
  • Full information of a metric will appear when mouse overing a metric in Table

How to add information to a metric

Metric owner or workspace admin can describe, rename and tag metrics. Raw table and date information will be added automatically based on metric formula.

Describe a Metric

You can write metric descriptions to explain your metrics with others. Metric description can be added at Data Hub, tab Metrics.

Only metric owner can add or edit metric description.

Adding definition for a metric

By choosing your metric and clicking on the Description row, you can type the metric description and press Enter to save.

Rename a Metric

You can rename your metrics by mouse overing the metric name at Data Hub, tab Metrics, then clicking on the icon

Only metric owner can rename the metric.

Renaming a Metric

Tag a Metric

Tagging helps your team organize and categorize all metrics in the company, then you find to use the right metrics quickly. You can tag a metric at Data Hub, Tab Metrics, then find the Tags column, and Click to edit.

If you cannot find a suitable tag from the existing list, you can add a new tag by typing a new tag name at Add or find tags, then click Create

You can also change the tag name ang color by clicking on the three-dot icon next to the existing tag name. Then, type the new name and change the color, and press Enter.

The tag with appear when you or your team members look for a metric and guide you to choose the correct metric.

You can add more than one tag for one metric:

Last updated