Create a New Dimension

You can create New Dimension from Existing Dimensions or you can rename your Existing Dimensions using Create Dimension

Step to create a New Dimension

  • In Data Hub, tab Dimensions, choose Create New

  • Select Metric, fill Dimension Name, select Source Data Columns, and write Description (optional).

You can choose to create a new dimension from one single column or from many different columns.

  • If you choose to create a new dimension from one single column, you can choose to map with conditions or automatically map 1:1.

When you finish adding conditions, you can click Create "Others" for all the rest and Save.

  • If you choose to create a new dimension from many columns, you need to map with conditions.

In this option, Others is automatically created after you done adding to make sure you cover all the values.

You are always hinted that how much you have covered with your conditions:

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