Table Menu

You can edit a table using Table Menu on when you mouse over to the top right of the table:

Forecast Mode

You can choose to see the forecasted value by turning on and off the Forecast Mode:

Metric Owner View

You can choose to see Metric Owner by turning on and off the Metric Owner View:

Percentage Mode

You can display your metrics in percentages using Percentage Mode:

Formula Mode

You can display your metrics in formulas using Formula Mode:

Time Granularity

You can choose different time granularity in a table: day, month, quarter and year, with icons D W M Q Y at the Table Menu:


You can use Comments button to add comments to the table, you can add comments and tag person(s) in charge to notice them about your comments. The person will be noticed and can reply your comments directly at the comment section of the table.


You can export the table to CSV format using export icon at the Table Menu:

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