Main Tabs

There are 3 main tabs on Presight Workspace:



Data Hub

and a Search bar for searching Documents

1. Main

Main section provides overall information about your workspace, including:


You can set up Goals to track 3 key metrics that are most important for you.

You can change the Goal display by interacting with the Chart:

Interacting with a Chart


Most interesting insights recently found that you might be interested in.


You can access your Documents via the Doc list at Main tab. You can differentiate your Docs and Docs shared with you via Owned by you and Shared with you tabs. You can also Create a New Doc from here.

Check the Data Doc section for more information about Presight Docs:

Creating a new Doc

2. Docs

Docs section includes Document list. You can differentiate your Docs and Docs shared with you via Owned by you and Shared with you tabs. You can also Create a New Doc from here.

3. Data Hub

Data Hub section contains all data source information:

  • Metrics

  • Dimensions

  • Data Source

  • Data Relationship

Data Hub provides brief information about Metrics, Dimensions, and Data Sources such as: Description, Owner, Formula, Sources, Table view, Table Relationships.

More details about Metric, Dimension and Data Sources at:


Data Hub also allows you to import your data. More details about importing data:

Import Data

Last updated