Metric Owner

What is a metric owner?

On Presight, every business metric can be assigned to a specific person in your workspace - aka. metric owner. Think the person who is ultimately responsible for the performance of this metric for your business.

Imagine knowing exactly who to talk to if you have a questions about a performance of a certain metrics, or its definitions and usage. Knowing who the owner of a metric is just adds fluidity and timely discussions to your operations.

Accessing Metric Owner Info

From Metric List

In the Data Hub page, you will be able to see the list of all metrics you have access to, and the information on metric ownership.

From Table Widget

By default, when you add a new metric to a table, it will come with the information of metric owner. If you wish to turn this off, navigate to the Table Menu at the top right of the widget and click on the person icon.

Last updated