Chart Menu

The Chart Menu will appear when you mouseover to the top of the Chart. You can changes Forecast and Anomaly Mode, Time View, Time Horizon and Chart Configuration in the Chart Menu.

Forecast and Anomaly Detection

You choose to see the forecasted values and anomaly point by turning on and off the Forecast View and Anomaly Detection red dot.

Check out more about Anomaly Detection and Forecast functions in the documentation below:

PRESIGHT IQ (BETA)Forecasting a Metric

Time View

Time View adjustments

You can choose to view in different Time Granularity with different periods.

Common Views give you some suggested periods while Custom Views allow you to choose the period you want to display.

Comparison mode in Time View

You can compare the metric over two or more consecutive time periods by ticking on the box Period-over Period mode. Then you can choose how you want to compare.

You can use comparison period as Presight suggested in Common Comparisons or you can choose comparing period you want in Custom Comparisons.

Chart Configuration

You can customizing the settings and properties of the chart, such as data, chart type, axis, color and data label.

Check out more about Chart Configuration in the documentation below:

Chart Configuration

Percentage Mode

You can display your metrics with dimensions in percentages using Percentage Mode in a Chart:


You can use Comments button to add comments to the chart, you can add comments and tag person(s) in charge to notice them about your comments. The person will be noticed and can reply your comments directly at the comment section of the chart.

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