
What is a Metric?

Metric, or business metric, is one of the most important concepts on Presight.

Metrics allow you to take your raw data and understand summarily what it says about an aspect of your performance (common examples of metrics are Revenue, Number of Customers, Cost, or Profit).

Metrics are defined calculations on your data that are performed at the time of your query.

What makes a Metric?

Metrics mostly come from data columns that contain numerical values in your raw datasets (like Sales Amount, Order Quantity, Discount Amount, etc.) - on top of which an appropriate aggregation function is performed (like SUM, AVG, COUNT or COUNTD).

From this, you can have a summarization of those values against a specific dimensions or time when you perform your query.

An example - when you query Revenue this year on Presight, you are essentially asking: "give me the SUM number of all values in column rev_amount in my transaction table in which the transaction date is from 01-01-2023 to 31-12-2023". Presight practically simplifies the question for you in to 3 words.

Types of Metric

Below are a few notable types of metrics that you'll use a lot on Presight:

  • Flat Metrics: a metric that cannot be broken down to its constituents, aka. flat.

  • Multidimensional Metrics: a metric value of which can be broken down by different dimensions providing new insights and context to it. (Eg: Revenue by Region)

  • Sub-metrics: a data row of a broken-down metric is considered a sub-metric on Presight.

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