
Break-down in the Chart

Breaking-down a metric by a dimension

When a metric is multidimensional, it can be broken down to different constituting segments (or, visually speaking, bars or lines) that make up the total values. On the chart, you can breakdown a metric by its available dimensions through a query, or through the + icon right under the chart name. Continue by selecting Breakdown by, then find the dimension of choice and the chart shall reflect the new broken down values.

Undo metric breaking-down

You can undo your selection by clicking on the Dimension name and choose Remove selection.

Breakdown at any data point in a Chart

You can breakdown at any data point to deep-dive to the metric by right-clicking on the data point and choose Breakdown by

The Chart will show the sub-metrics broken-down by the dimension at the data point you choose.

If you want to undo breaking-down, press Ctrl + Z.

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