Doc Sidebar

There is always a sidebar with all helpful information sticked to a doc to help user quickly search and identify metrics and dimensions they need to create a report or perform analysis.

The sidebar is at the left of a doc, appearing automatically when you open a new doc:

Main tabs in the sidebar:

  • Doc

  • Metric

  • Dimension


Like the sidebar from the Home page, tab DOC provides a list of documents created by you and shared to you. Clicking on the Doc name here can help you to move around each doc without going back to the homepage or the doc list outside.


Tab METRIC plays as a "Mini Data Hub", where you can search for metrics, check and change metrics' information.

  • Mouse over a metric's formula to see the details:

  • Click on ... to edit metric information: name, permission, description and to delete if you are the metric owner:

  • Click on + to add a metric to the doc:


Tab DIMENSION also plays as a "Mini Data Hub" for Dimension. Here you can search for dimensions, check and change dimensions' information.

  • Click on ... to edit dimension information: name, description and to delete if it is deletable:

Last updated