Data Source & Data Relationship

Data Source

All tables connected with Presight are located at Data Source tab, Connectors:

Raw Table view

You can view your raw tables/cubes from the list of Connectors above by clicking on the Table name.

You can filter specific values at each column at the raw table for better view:

If you are the admin of your workspace, you can edit Table Restriction and Column Restriction for each table. Details for Access Restriction are in the following link:

Table Restriction

Custom Queries

You can also add new tables using Custom Queries and use the new table for creating metrics and dimensions.

Details for Custom Query Editor are in the following link:

Custom Query Editor

Data Relationship

You can view Relationship between tables by dragging them to the Diagram Board:

You can also make or edit Relationships here.

Instructions for making and editing Relationships in the documentations below:

Dimension Relationship

Last updated